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Safety Check: What You Need to Know Before Visiting Venezuela

We returned from Los Roques and went to Caracas to see firsthand what so many people talk about, security in Venezuela.

Of course we are always going to talk about the security of Venezuela as tourists and not as people who live in Venezuela, where, as in any country where one lives, one is more exposed to some incident of insecurity occurring when moving away from the tourist areas that normally occur. They are the most guarded.

We make this clarification because many will say, oh but they only saw the tourist places and nothing happens there. And that is not true since a few years ago it was not at all safe to take the route we did, let alone with a cell phone and camera in hand.

In addition to that, normally anyone who says, I want to go to Venezuela, because of the bad image it has, is told, DON'T GO, IT'S VERY UNSAFE.

Security in Venezuela – What we recommend knowing

To the destinations that we had already visited, we can add that the town of Galipán, the highest area of ​​Caracas and what would be the tourist area of ​​Venezuela, is safe and can be visited without problems.

The town of Galipán

Not only is it a safe and quiet part of Venezuela, but it is a mountain area where the climate changes totally. Imagine that you can only go up by truck because of how steep the road is. The other thing that makes it very safe is that after 6 in the afternoon no one can go up unless they are people who live in the town or tourists. There is a national guard checkpoint that controls said entry.

It took us an hour from the Guaira airport to get to the inn where we would stay and it takes a little less if you go down to the Caracas side.

The town is very small, with only a few places to eat and with a nice view of both the Guaira side and Caracas.

What to visit in Caracas without security problems – Venezuela

Of course, in addition to knowing first-hand what security was like in Venezuela, we wanted to learn a little about its history and visit the main places.
Bolivar Mausoleum
We begin by visiting the Mausoleum of the liberator Simón Bolivar, an extremely important hero in the history of Venezuela and Greater Colombia.

Before being the Mausoleum it was the Church of the Holy Trinity, where we also find the remains of other important figures in the history of Venezuela. Today they built an annex for the remains of the liberator, where you can also witness the changing of the guard and even take a free guided tour.
Plaza Bolivar
The city of Caracas was founded here in 1565, where we find the Metropolitan Cathedral of Santa Ana, which you can also visit.
Jacinto Square
In this square and a few blocks from Plaza Bolivar we find the birthplace of Simón Bolivar where he lived until he was 9 years old. Like most of the historical places in Venezuela, it is restored and well cared for. That is something that caught our attention in Caracas.

Attached to the house they find the Bolivarian museum but just when we went they were restoring it and we couldn't enter.

We also took the opportunity to enter a supermarket to show a little that today Venezuela is not suffering from shortages like it did a few years ago. Even today you can find everything and more since Venezuela went to the other extreme and directly opened the market without limits so that any product can be imported.

What we think about security in Venezuela

Particularly speaking of Caracas, we find it like any city in Latin America. One can walk calmly through the tourist areas, of course, always taking extreme care. But even so, we always walked with camera and cell phone in hand through the streets without problems.

There was a time when we moved away from the center and preferred to save everything because it is still a big city and our tourist appearance gave us away. But it's nothing more than that, at most some thief, we repeat like everywhere in the world.

Of course, that does not mean that Caracas or Venezuela do not have unsafe areas, but as we said at the beginning, our article is aimed at tourism.

As for the rest of the destinations in Venezuela, we have felt even safer, even leaving our things on the beach.

So our recommendation is that you go to know Venezuela.


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